
8 Important facts to Buy TMT Bar in Bihar

If you are planning to build your home at Bihar these are the important factors you should be aware of. You need to buy the best quality TMT bars.

Bihar comes under the high seismic zone. Geographically Bihar is where tectonic plate is joining with Himalayan tectonic plate near the border of Bihar & Nepal. Out of 38 districts 8 falls in Seismic Zone V, 24 districts falls in Seismic Zone IV & 6 districts falls in Seismic Zone III.

The state has experienced major earthquakes in the past.

Therefore, it is important to buy Best Quality TMT Bars while constructing that can protect your home from all natural disasters and make it long lasting.

  1. Shyam Steel flexiSTRONG TMT Rebar has the right balance of strength & flexibility that helps to exchange extra energy during the earthquake and hold the building from being uprooted. It is important to choose Earthquake Resistant TMT Bars for your home.
  2. In TMT Rebars Phosphorus+Sulphur intake is lesser than other type of steel bars. That is why it is less prone to corrosion, structures become strong and TMT rebars less fatigue.
  3. TMT Bars are extremely ductile that is why it is highly bendable. TMT Bars can bend upto 90 degree without losing its property.
  4. TMT Bars are Fire Resistant, due to thermo mechanical treatment it can absorb extreme heat and protect your home from fire hazards.
  5. TMT Bars have bend & re-bend quality that is why it can be used for any structure. Best TMT Bars should not have any cracks while bending.
  6. Shyam Steel flexiSTRONG TMT Bars has the best stress proof quality than any other TMT Bars. It has 560 Proof Stress (min N/mm2) capacity.
  7. TMT Bars can be transported easily and the maintenance cost is also low. It saves upto 20% of steel. For light weight and easy bendability it can be transported one place to another very easily and quickly.
  8. TMT Bars that manufactured in Integrated Steel Plant are best in quality. From raw material to end product everything is done here under one roof.

Advantages of buying Best Quality TMT Bar

Bihar as a state in India has grown during the last few decades. The growing urban culture directly reflects with new edge buildings, companies that invested to the state like never before. Therefore Building codes and control mechanisms are enforced because earthquake remains a major threat to the cities.

Hospital, Schools, shopping malls etc. to be made with only best quality TMT Bars that is also known as TMT Saria in local markets.

To know the latest price of best Quality TMT Bars please visit www.shyamsteel.com/price/bihar