About Transmission & Distribution
In a large and developing country like India, where there is huge demand for electric power, a matching network of transmission / distribution is the need of the hour.
Electrical Energy must be generated at the same rate at which it is consumed. A sophisticated Control System is required to ensure that the Power Generation very closely matches the demand. If the demand for power exceeds supply, the imbalance can cause generation plant(s) and transmission equipment to automatically disconnect and/or shut down to prevent damage. In the worst case, this may lead to a cascading series of shut downs and a major regional blackout.
For effective Transmission & Utilization of Electric Energy, a huge setup of EHV / HV / LV, Sub Stations & Transmission / Distribution Network is required.
At Shyam Steel we have started a new venture – Transmission & Distribution Division for executing EPC projects in this sector.

Shyam Steel’s new venture–Transmission & Distribution division
We are a professionally managed organization with a dedicated Design Engineering, Project Planning, Procurement & Site execution team.
Also we have a in house Electrical & Civil department for the EPC- Engineering Procurement & Construction services of competent engineers with vast experience to take care of civil activities.
Our company motto is to delight our customers by
- Timely completion of projects
- Performing qualitative work.
- Implementation of good engineering practices.

Brief list of Installations done by SSIL
1) 10 MW Captive Power plant with ANDRiTZ make Generator and Siemens make steam Turbine along with all required Panels like Synchronizing Panels11 KV Switchgear Panels, MCCs, Battery, Battery Charger, DCDBs, UPS etc.
2) 15 MW Captive Power Plant with ANDRiTZ make Generator and Siemens make steam Turbine along with all necessary Control & Relay panels including synchronizing Panels, 11 KV Switchgear Panes, 11 KV Bus duct, MCCs, Battery, Battery Charger, DCDBs, ACDB UPS etc. Complete with Boiler , Turbine & Generator Auxiliary System.
3) 132 KV AIS Sub Stations :- Design, Engineering, Supply ,Erection,
Testing, Commissioning and Maintaining of 132 KV AIS Sub-Stations with following details:-
- 132 KV, Single Ckt. Line Bay from Durgapur Projects Ltd (DPL).
- 50 MVA , 132 KV/11 KV, DYN11, OFAF Power Transformer (AREVA Make) Bays.
- Necessary 132 KV Isolators, 132 KV CT/PT’s for the Bays & 132 KV LA’s etc as per attached single line diagram (SLD) along with 5 Nos 132 KV S/C Transmission towers (132 KV Line Route Length = 1.3 Km) for taking power from Durgapur Projects Ltd (DPL)
4) 132 KV GIS ( under construction) :- Aforesaid 132 AIS Sub Stations is being revamped in-house by SSIL with new 132 KV GIS (Siemens make) with all necessary equipments as follows for taking stable Power from Damodar Valley Corp. (DVC) for the smooth running of the plant / ARC Furnace etc.
- Siemens make 132 KV Gas Insulated Switch Gear (GIS), 1250 A, 40 KA Fault level (3 sec).
- Necessary 132 KV Isolators, CT’s, PT’s & 132 KV L.A’s etc as per attached Single Line Diagram.
- 132 KV (UE), 4 RXIC x 400 sq mm Cu UG Cable with termination kits.
- 415 v sub ACDB.
- 110 V Sub DCDB.
- 132 KV Control & Relay Panel (Siemens Make) .
- Necessary Ventilation system for GIS Hall.
- Necessary fire protection service system for GIS Hall, Control room & Switch Yard.
- 110 V Battery & Battery Charger (100 AHR).
5) Plant Electrification & Illumination works :- Erection, Testing , Commissioning of various AC/DC motors with drives /MCC Panels etc including illumination works of inside & outside of plant with necessary HT/LT/Control Cables , Lighting Panels , UPS, Battery, Battery Charger etc.