Agriculture Industry in India
Agriculture in India started back in Stone Age and even before that time in Southern India Region. Agriculture sector is the broadest contributor in economic sector in India. More than 50 percent rural civilization in India depends upon agriculture production.
India is the second largest fruit producer in the world. India rank top in spices and spice products production and export as well. India is holding third position in Agriculture and Firming worldwide.
India has been exporting fruits and vegetable seeds and exports during 2016-17 stood at INR 527.42 crores/79.14 USD Millions.
Floriculture industry in India also seen significant growth in last 10 years with its contribution of INR 548.74 crores/ 82.05 USD Millions in 2016-17.
Shyam Agro is silently contributing towards the growth of Agriculture and
Floriculture industry as well.

Shyam Steel Vision in Agriculture Industry
Shyam Steel has industry experience of 60+ years with which we aim to create benchmark in Agro industry as well.
Shyam Steel’s agro business is focused on conveying a wide scope of answers for help feed our developing world.
We grow seeds for organic products, vegetables –
Our Agro production include
- Bell Peppers
- Capsicum
- Broccoli
- Tomato
- Ginger
These product assistance agriculturists have better gather while utilizing water and other essential assets all the more productively.
Our vegetables offerings are just starting of the initiative towards Vision 2020 by wellbeing of the same we desire to contribute in Seeds, soil to change the way of developing crops.

Shyam Steel Vision in Floriculture Industry
Floriculture industry took a great leap in India since liberalization. From sustenance production it became a major contributor as Commercial production.
Shyam Agro is a silent contributor in Floriculture industry since long.
It continued to produce
- Gerbera or Transvaal daisy
- Different variety of Roses
- Varieties of Orchids
Our superior quality flower is been used in commercial and individual purposes as well with our in-house logistic chain. It is in high repute for our non-compromised contribution in industry over 6 decades.